It Pays to Automate Palletizing

Fill an open position on your packaging line and free up cash flow with the PalletizHD!

Struggling to hire labor?

End of line positions are some of the hardest to fill and keep staffed. They also come at a price:

  • Hourly wage ($13 - $20 per hour)
  • Benefits & bonuses
  • Health insurance & workers compensation
  • Unreliable with a high turnover rate

That is just for one position, on a single line.

pays to palletize graphic
PalletizHD robotic palletizer

Invest in Robotic Palletizing

The PalletizHD permanently solves labor issues by automating a dull, ergonomically unsafe task.

Labor Costs

Line Worker $40,000 per year ($160 per day, $800 a week)
Health Care + $14,800 per year
Yearly Cost $54,800 per year (based on 8 hour work day)

Automation Investment

PalletizHD $139,850 per system (standard unit)
Health Care + $0 per year
Investment $139,850 per year (3 shifts a day - no overtime!)

Increase Future Cash Flow

Once the return on investment is met, the PalletizHD pays you by eliminating labor costs, providing continuous cash flow for future investments.

After ROI: $54,800+ annual free cash flow!

robotic palletizer roi


1 shift per day: 2.6 years

2 shifts per day: 1.3 years

3 shifts per day: 10.2 months!